The Benefits of Trees

Have you ever noticed, when you are outside, how far sounds travels this time of year? It’s because the deciduous trees have lost their leaves and are no longer acting as sound dampeners. There are many benefits provided by trees, most of which we take for granted. Trees provide shade in the summer and warmth (through firewood, pellets or increased sun exposure) in the winter. Evergreen trees make a great wind-break in the winter as well as protection for birds and animals. Trees provide us with the very air that we breathe, and they absorb carbon dioxide in the process. They…

Boundary Trees

Often we receive calls from people who are concerned about a neighbor's tree, and wondering what legal and ethical rights they have in the matter. While I'm not a lawyer, I can't give legal advice, only the benefit of my experience of working with the different scenarios for the past 30 years. Over the years, I've been directly or indirectly involved in numerous situations where, in the case of tree damage, insurance company policies have come into play about who pays for what. Naturally, I would encourage all property owners to work with and cooperate with their neighbor's in the…

Right-of-Way Trees

The reconstruction of the River Road in Windham, and other roads, has spurred some questions and conversation about trees in a road right-of-way. Over the years, people tend to plant trees along the road frontage of their properties to give themselves a buffer from the noisy traffic. This is a great idea, as long as you know where the road right-of-way ends and your property begins. If you plant  a tree in the road right-of-way, you could lose your screen someday. The owners of the road, whoever that may be, actually own the trees within its bounds. Our company has…

No Out-Of-State Firewood

Winter is finally over and summer is just around the corner. Warm sunny days induce a need to get outside, to “go up to camp”. What’s the first thing you want to do when you get to camp? Build a camp fire. That’s all well and good as long as the firewood you use was obtained locally. If the wood came from out of state, there could be a problem. Invasive insects may be hitching a ride on the wood or under the bark. Insects, such as the Emerald Ash Borer and the Asian Longhorn Beetle, have already been found…

Roadside Tree Maintenance

One sure thing about trees is that they always grow towards the light, the open space. This may work great for the tree but it works against us humans in a lot of ways. Trees along the roadways are no exception, always growing inward, toward the light, which is unfortunately also toward the road. Many times, in this situation, they also take on a natural lean, which is never ideal for any tree. Have you ever pulled up to a stop sign only to have trees and brush blocking your visibility down the street to see if any traffic is…