I write this month’s blog post from my home as I am self-quarantining for 14 days due to traveling on planes and busses recently on the way back from a shortened Florida vacation. Never before have I, or anyone else for that matter, been in this situation. Many businesses have closed temporarily, and even those who are not under quarantine are being asked to observe “Social Distancing” and shelter in place until this crisis passes. I prefer to use the term Physical Distancing as we need social interaction right now more than ever, even if it’s from a distance. With that in mind, I would like to remind people to pick up the phone. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate yourself socially. Not only that but, get outside. Get some fresh air. Do some yard work. Take a walk in the woods, or at least around your yard. Enjoy the trees and the sounds of spring. Spring is here, and with it comes hope of a new beginning. This crisis will pass, at some point, and be nothing but an unpleasant memory, leaving us stronger and smarter. Until then, let’s endure, stay connected and try and make the best of it.